I had a wish to lie in your arms,
On a cold winter night, feeling your warmth.
I had a wish that you would protect me,
From the storms of life, and never let go.
I had a wish to spend my whole life with you,
I had a wish that my wish would come true,
No matter whether its dusk or early morning dew.
I had a wish to play scrabble with you, each Saturday,
With a bowl of pop corns, and no worries whatsoever.
I had a wish to have a home, a dwelling of love,
Where one was always welcome, where the word ‘No’ did not exist.
I had a wish to be around you all the time,
I had a wish that my wish would come true,
Whether the sky is cloudy or is blue.
I had a wish that you will hold me,
Each time while crossing the road.
I had a wish that you will cross all the boundaries,
To be just there when I missed you, to give a hug.
I had a wish that my presence was all that you wanted,
I had a wish that my wish would come true,
But I didn’t know that the days of you and me… were just few!
I had a wish that you will love me, love me day and night,
That I got up to find you next to me, and in the night I slept with your breath beside.
I had a wish that after every fight, the silence would kill us,
Would make us run to each other and embrace.
I had a wish that Thee blesses us with endless trust and faith,
That there was no dearth of care.
I had a wish that you would understand my silence,
I had a wish that you would just come give me a hug... and say I am there..
I had a wish that my wish would come true,
But I did not know that you will simply deny to start anew.
I had a wish to be the only one for you,
With whom you would share your world.
I had a wish to make all your dreams into real,
And stand beside you as your strength, your pillar.
I had a wish that you would be mine forever,
I had a wish that you will unbreak my heart..
I had a wish that my wish would come true,
But it never will, it never can, coz I have lost hope that you will come back.. this is not false.. this is so true!
At least one person wud be there for u always...no matter what why when..no questions to be asked, no reasons to be known...just there for u always..always..remember